Every person in the world dreams. Some forget and the other remember vaguely or clearly. Astrologically, dreams are connected with the first house, Karka. Reading of dream is connected with Rahu.
Dreams are strange perceptions realized when the physical body of a person is at rest. Dreams are mostly seen at night times. But they can also be seen during day time.
Dreams are sometimes series of pictures and events seen by a sleeping person. In dreams, the soul sometimes become a king, sometimes a beggar, sometimes high and sometimes low. In dreams there are chariots, no horses, no roads, but the soul creates them. There is no happiness, amusement and laughter there; but the soul creates them. Similarly there are no tanks, springs and rivers but the soul creates them. It is said that the longest dream lasts for about five seconds. It starts suddenly and ends abruptly. The psychologists do not agree about the significance and interpretation of most of the dreams. Dreams may be pleasant, unpleasant, single, composite, absurd, meaningless, short realistic, about future events, or about routine life. Dreams may amuse and regale a dreamer, it may pre-sage future events, or may cause afflictions and misery to the dreamer or may suggest guidelines for unsolved problems or may even disclose unknown secrets to the dreamer.
Dreams seen during illness or seen during daytime are less reliable. A comprehensive investigation about the dreams and subsequent events in the life of a dreamer and the matters connected with the dreamer is likely to provide scientific basis for interpreting most of the dreams. From time immemorial people have been interested in finding out the importance/effect of their dreams. Some common dreams and their traditional meanings are given here-in-below:
- Aeroplane or Ship Change of environment
- Amputated arm Grief of friend or mother
- Accept bribe Disrespect, troubles
- Auction Improvement in business
- Missing Automobile ride Trouble averted
- Acquitted Victory over enemies
- Arrested Worries
- Buffalo Warning of trouble
- Bald Disappointment
- Blood Strife
- Walking or Crossing over a bridge Sure success
- Bazar Gain of wealth
- Boat get in Gain
- Boat get out Relief of worries
- Beheaded Separation from loved ones
- Bathroom Disease, worries
- Brahmin ill-health
- Bride or groom Broken marriage
- Barefoot Change, Good luck
- Battlefield Quarrels
- To wear new clothes Poverty, difficulties
- To wear old clothes Good, fortune
- Coffee drinking Happiness
- Others drinking Unhappiness
- Camel Profit and promotion
- Clouds Journey
- Chattering Gain of good rank
- Crown Respect and gain
- To run from city Happiness, gain
- Chair Success
- Chain tied with……… Temporary set back
- Freeing from chain Overcome obstacles
- Cards Auspicious
- Courting Good fortune
- Curd Good Fortune
- Cooking Loss of position
- Crawling Difficulties
- Coal Bad luck
- Dog Good Omen
- Dog Bark Overcome difficulties
- Dog wagging tail A happy time
- Dead body Wealth, happiness and health
- Talking to dead elders Name and fame
- Dead laughing Worries, separation
- Dancing Good luck
- Driving Financial Gain
- Drinking with officers Long life gain
- Death of child Inauspicious
- Death of wife Happy news
- Death of own-self Good days
- Donkey End of trouble
- Drinking wine Financial gain
- Drinking milk Fame and honour
- Drink of Medicine Recovery of health
- Eating of fruits/sweets human flesh or fish Respect, gain, life-long comforts
- Elephant Auspicious
- Enemy, opponent Success over obstacles
- Earthquake Destruction, war
- Fly in aeroplane Success in business
- Flower Comfort, respect, good rank
- Falling teeth Long life,, good health
- Falling in well Worries
- Fields/Fountain Happiness gain
- Flying in sky Death of dear one
- Roaming in forest Difficulties
- Firing a pistol Steady rise in life
- Girl Happiness in near future
- Gold Biscuits Worries, loss
- Ornaments Success, fortune
- Gems Happy marriage
- Fall from height Demotion
- Hanged Relief from worries
- Ride a horse Promotion
- To fall from horse Worries, reversal
- Climbing top hill Hard work rewarded
- Honey bees Fortune
- Hailstorm Difficulties/loss
- Laugh Disappointment
- Lightning with rain Unlucky
- Lion Victory over enemies
- LadderAscending Not reaching top
- Man weeping Good news, trouble to go
- Music with marriage Affectionate friends
- Minister Elevation in rank
- Nude Misfortune
- Parrot Journey to foreign land
- Owl Failure in hopes
- Operation/Medical Recovery from illness
- Perfume Success
- Pearl Happiness
- Palace living in Wealth and honour
- Pig Shamelessness
- Princess Meeting with woman, happiness
- Pigeon Happy news
- Peacock Happiness
- Pregnant woman Good news
- Plants in pots Exposure of secrets
- Prostitution Difficulties
- Rats Troubles, misfortune
- Rainbow Change for better
- River Wealth and respect
- Rabbit Meeting with woman
- Robbed losses
- Ringing Auspicious
- Road Honour, happiness
- Snake{Bite by snake or Snake in the lap or Catch a snake or Kill a snake or Snake in hand } Worries, troubles
- Sadhu Relief from worries
- Ship or plane wrack Misfortune
- Servant Association with wealthy
- Stealing Happiness
- Sleep and Snore Happiness
- Tears, crying Good Fortune
- Table with food Prosperity
- Thunder and lightning Trouble ahead
- Train Change in residence
- Urinate Comfort through son
- Vomiting Death of near one
- Wedding party Worries
- Wedding party of women Happiness
- Well dig in house Wealth, promotion
- Wine drinking Prosperity
- Walking in dirt Disappointments
- Washing clothes Hard life ahead
- Writing Careful about agreements
- Wearing torn shoes or clothes Loss of money.
The list of dreams and their possible effects mentioned above are not exhaustive. There may be many other dreams not mentioned herein. Their effects can be ascertained through scientific investigation of the nature of dream and by thorough study of the “horoscope” of the dreamer. Same dream may not have the same effect for all human beings.